Compare SlickEdit editions and see which is right for you.
(Pro only) Automatically reformat code when typing, pasting, or performing syntax/alias expansion.
Syntax expansion automatically expands common block structures (e.g. if, for, try) after typing keyword.
Auto-Complete reduces keystrokes by completing symbols as you type.
SmartPaste(R) Automatically reindents pasted lines of text.
Choose from 15 keystroke emulations including Brief, CodeWright, Vim, and Emacs.
Multiple cursors and selections.
Create custom typing shortcuts with Aliases.
Dynamic Surround - Surround existing lines of code with block Statements or tags.
Create reusable modules/units of code with Code Templates.
Backup History maintains a version history file each time you save.
Edit files up to 2TB in size.
Symbol Analysis and Navigation
(Pro only) Navagate source code, jump to a symbol definition, declaration, or reference.
(Pro only) List members/methods/properties for a symbol or object.
(Pro only) When entering function arguments, display prototype and highlight current argument.
(Pro only) when entering function argument list compatible variables and expressions.
(Pro only) View members and inherited members of the current class.
(Pro only) Browse all symbols in your project, workspace, and global tag databases.
(Pro only) Display symbol references found by using the Go To Reference feature.
(Pro only) View symbol information in other files automatically without leaving the current file or window.
(Pro only) local symbols in your code. Search by name, or regular expression.
CTags support
(Pro only) GDB debugger. Supports attaching to running process, core file, and remote.
(Pro only) Java JDWP debugger.
(Pro only) Google Go debugger.
(Pro only) Clang C/C++ LLDB.
(Pro only) Python pydbgp protocol debugger. Supports remote debugging.
(Pro only) Perl perldb debugger. Supports remote debugging.
(Pro only) PHP (using Xdebug plugin) debugger. Supports remote debugging.
(Pro only) XCode debugger. Create your project in XCode, open your XCode project in Slickedit, and start debugging from SlickEdit.
(Pro only) Android JVM and NDK (using gdb) debugger.
Integrated Builds
(Pro only) Shell/Terminal window that displays output from project builds and compiles. Double-click on an error line to navagate to the error.
(Pro only)Run builds, compiles, or any other custom project tools from this menu.
(Pro only) Run multiple Shell/Terminal windows using the Terminal Tool window​
Beautifiers - Format souce code to conform to your style and conventions.
(Pro only) Beautifiers for C++, Object-C, Java, Groovy, XML, HTML, PHP, JavaScript, VBScript, JSON, Python, Rust, Verilog, System Verilog, Ada, Slick-C.
Java Live Errors
(Pro only) Flag syntax and compilation errors as you edit, highlight coding "best practice" warnings.
JUnit integration
(Pro only) Run and debug JUnit unit tests for whole project, a package, or individual file.
(Pro only) View and reconcile test results from the Unit Testing tool window.
Compare 2 files side by side, highlight lines/characters that do not match, synchronized scrolling.
(Pro only) Find and diff files and folders between 2 directory trees. Display files that are different or missing.
(Pro only) Merge a base file against 2 modified files.
(Pro only) Full editing capabilities when comparing and merging files.
(Pro only) Source Diff - Diff source tokens for files where line breaks do not matter. Great for diffing beautified files.
(Pro only) Choose symbols (e.g. function definitions) to diff.
(Pro only) Live Diff - Shows a comparison of the file you're editing with the version in source control while you keep editing.​
Version Control Integration
(Pro only) Version Control integration for Git, Subversion, CVS, Mercurial, Perforce, and Clearcase.
(Pro only) Shelving - Set aside modifications to a set of uncommitted files. Restore shelved modifications. Modifications are merged and conflicts resolved.
Add toolsbars, customize existing toolbars.
Add menus, customize existing menus.
Record and play back a macro to automate repetitive tasks.
Bind a recorded macro to a key, menu item, or toolbar button.
(Pro only) Write custom Slick-C macro commands and functions that can be shared.
(Pro only) Create Slick-C dialogs and tool windows that can be shared.